Dirty Martini by J.A. Konrath

Dirty Martini (Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels, #4) (Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels Mystery)

by J.A. Konrath

Lieutenant Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels, the insomniac Chicago cop with a train wreck of a personal life, has trouble on her hands, and it isn't just because her boyfriend Latham wants to get married and she's not sure she's ready. A man in disguise has been visiting restaurants, grocery stores, and fast food places, ingeniously spreading a deadly toxin. Chicago's newest criminal calls himself The Chemist, and he has murder on his mind. When Jack finds Latham unconscious on the floor of their apartment with toxin-laced takeout on the counter, it looks like someone has plans for her. Add to that her dead father who actually isn't dead, her favorite partner, Herb Benedict, contemplating a transfer out of the police station, and a plot to poison all the cops in Chicago, and Jack is in for a scary ride.--From publisher description.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This was a scary scenario! Someone is going around the city of Chicago and randomly poisoning people. That potato salad you bought from the deli? It could kill you. Ordering breakfast at your local diner? He might get you there too! Is there going to be poison in the air? The water? Where can you go? What can you EAT?

Luckily, Jack is there to answer these questions and save the day, but not without loss.

I enjoy the tone of this series. Konrath has a knack for dreaming up things that are just a little more dastardly than what you normally see. He pulls no punches. I also appreciate the setting more now that I’ve been to Chicago. Every once in a while I think, “Hey, I know where that is!”. This is a series I plan to continue!

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  • 7 June, 2016: Reviewed