Beyond the Grave by Mara Purnhagen

Beyond the Grave (Past Midnight, #3)

by Mara Purnhagen

Charlotte must find her boyfriend, Noah, who has disappeared three months after suffering a paranormal attack.

Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

Beyond the Grave is the last book in the series, and I am going to miss it! That being said, this book was not my favorite of the series. While it was still a great read, it seemed to lack a little of the punch the previous installments had. For the epic conclusion of the series, I think I expected a little more action and, while there was action, I just think the story would have felt fuller with more. There was such a build up throughout the previous novels and novellas that it left me feeling a little like some key scenes had been cut. There was also a bit less of the romance that the others stories had, and I missed those emotional pieces of the story.

One thing that I very much did like was the author's ability to bring in bits of the back story of the series without going off point or dragging down the pace of the story. The flashbacks were worked into the storyline in a way that allowed the reader to understand or remember situations from previous books without a complete retelling of a scene. All in all, one of my favorite young adult, paranormal series.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 13 September, 2011: Reviewed