Reviewed by slytherclaw on

5 of 5 stars

"Greetings Programs!"

Though lacking the finesse of the film's groundbreaking and mind blowing effects (no words ever will be able to describe them), this novelization still delivers even after 30 years. What Lisberger, Disney and Daly did all those years ago, had opened the door for generations of cyberpunk novels and movies to come. Panned for its ahead of its time concept at the box office, this has become a cult classic and will forever be a favorite of mine.

If you are a fan of the .hack series of games, anime, manga, and light novels, I highly recommend this, their ancestor. It certainly has the same feel as those beloved series.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 June, 2013: Reviewed