Autumn in London by Louise Bay

Autumn in London (The Empire State, #2)

by Louise Bay

Anna Kirby went to New York to escape heartbreak and have some fun. She wasn't meant to meet someone . . . someone like Ethan. Now, back in London, she's having to get over a man who's three thousand miles away....

Ethan Scott broke every one of his rules during his week with Anna and now he can't seem to go back to life before her. A business trip to London gives him the opportunity to change his rules for good. Will he take it?

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Now it's time to plan...

I'm really loving this series and I was fortunate to start after they have all been released. There was a time when I hated reading books that end with a cliffhanger. In The Empire State Series, I get a little giddy knowing there's more to come. Who doesn't love to get a wee bit more at the end of a story?

I had a good chuckle when Anna loses the plot and thinks Ethan manipulated their first meeting. She's all huffy and puffy, ready to blow the office down. Ethan very calmly explains himself and the situation. LOVE IT! No unnecessary drama or douchewaffle overreactions. A mature and civilised discussion.

The pace is great, the sexy times are HOT and the characters become even more loveable with each instalment.


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  • Started reading
  • 4 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2018: Reviewed