Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

Fast Food Nation (P.S.) (Penguin Celebrations)

by Eric Schlosser

The story of fast food is to a large extent the story of post-war America. In a perverse way, it is also the story of Britain since the deregulation of our food and labour markets in the early 1980s. Schossler's account takes in the whole of this prototypically global industry, from its origins in the hysterical competition of the southern Californian diners to the modern saturation of urban and suburban locations, from the revolutions in cattle raising and slaughtering, to the employment practices of the industry leaders.

Reviewed by mary on

4 of 5 stars

I honestly don't care about the negative reviews surrounding this book and the comments about how some say it's biased, leftist, and alarmist. I truly enjoyed it and liked it! I have not eaten any fast food since I read this book many years ago. I don't care if some say it's alarmist, biased and leftist. I liked it! I honestly doubt I'll be able to eat fast food for a long time. I like how it not only talks about just the meat- but about how devious the entire industry is. Really a good read- I'd highly recommend this book.

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  • 1 August, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2007: Reviewed