Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Tess Bonner divorced her husband Nathaniel (Nat) after feeling, for months, as if he career with the Air Force was more important than her. So no one was more shocked than her when she finds out that Nat his the pilot that will take her to the corporate retreat after missing her flight. Little does she know, it's a set up.

Nat has spent the past year missing his wife. He knows he made mistakes, but he's determined to put the past behind them and win his wife back. He's made all the arrangements to take Tess to a different island paradise than the one she thinks she's going to. This one designed to show Tess exactly how he feels about her.

There's only one problem...a storm blows them off course and forces Nat to emergency land on a deserted island. Can he win her back before his partner comes to rescue them or will he be forced to live the rest of his life without her?

This was a quick read that kept you entertained. It did bother me, just a bit, when Tess was so angry with Nat for "kipnapping" her in his attempt to win her back. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm pretty sure if I was mad enough to divorce my husband I wouldn't have easily fallen back into having sex with him like Tess did. She obviously wanted what he did and maybe should have listened to what he was saying instead of flying off the handle like she did.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 31 October, 2011: Reviewed