The Misses Moffet Mend a Marriage by M Louisa Locke

The Misses Moffet Mend a Marriage (Victorian San Francisco Mystery, #2.5)

by M Louisa Locke

This short story, set in 1879 San Francisco, features two elderly dressmakers, Miss Minnie and Miss Millie Moffet, who face a moral dilemma of no small dimensions. They turn for advice to Annie Fuller, a widowed boardinghouse owner who supplements her income as a clairvoyant, Madam Sibyl. For those who have read Locke’s two full-length Victorian San Francisco mysteries, Maids of Misfortune and Uneasy Spirits, and her other short story, Dandy Detects, this is an amusing glimpse into the lives of Annie Fuller’s two most eccentric boarders. For those unfamiliar with Locke’s mysteries and the late nineteenth century world they portray, this is just a taste of things to come. Enjoy.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

Not really a mystery at all, but an amusing short story that features the secondary characters from the mystery series. The sisters are just the sort you'd like to have as your personal seamstresses, if one could afford such a thing. A quick, amusing read about how to accomplish your goals on the sly.

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  • 20 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2013: Reviewed