Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars



I had very high hopes for this one.  There were things in the first one that I wasn't crazy about (just a personal preference, mind you) and I was hopeful that with character maturity, I'd enjoy this one more.  Well, I did.  I totally did!  When I finished it, I immediately did two things, 1. Took a deep breath 2. Ran to Facebook and demanded that Cristin Harber give me volume 3.  Um yeah, not my best moment ever.  In a nutshell, Emma believes Grayson is dead and well, he isn't and all he wants to do is find Emma.  I appreciated the depth of his love for her and how he stopped at NOTHING to get to her.

"You show up, and we end up in bed.  What kind of girl does that make me?"

Easiest answer I've had all night.  "It makes you mine."


The moments following their reunion were intense, heartbreaking and passionate. Gray has some serious issues to deal with where women are concerned and how thinks that all he does is let them down.

Learning about a daughter he didn't know he had was an intense moment for him and I ached for him.  I ached for both of them, Emma, for working so hard by herself to create a life for her and her daughter Cally and for Grayson and the horrible things he had endured in his life and during his deployment.

If there were two people who deserved a break or two and an epic HEA, it's Grayson and Emma. I cannot wait for volume 3, Only for Us, which releases April 14th.

The Only series is sweet, passionate and completely addictive!!



Purchase Volume 1:

Preorder Only for Us- Volume 3:

 This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 6 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 March, 2015: Reviewed