Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

2 of 5 stars

"Maybe being in a coma and losing two years of my memory was a chance at a fresh start- a way to reinvent myself"

See reviews first on my blog!

Lacey was Queen Bee of the school before her accident, she had what seemed to be the perfect life. But things aren't always what that seemed and Lacey was actually a different person than what she was showing the rest of the world. She had a lot of secrets, secrets that she kept so hidden that once she woke up from coma she had no idea they even existed. Seeing Lacey struggle so much with having lost so much of her memory was hard at times, on top of also having to relearn to walk (her progress seemed slightly unrealistic) was hard to read at times, because I kept getting so frustrated with her. I did really like the flashbacks though and they helped make the story for me. As for her so called friends and boyfriends I couldn't stand most of them and wish she had gotten rid of them sooner.

"Someone please hand me a Coma for Dummies book. Even better: What to do when you lost two years of memories and don't know what the heck is happening in the different relationships you have."

The other main character we had was Flynn who Lacey had no idea who was, but she knew had to be an important part of her life. Flynn is probably for most people won of those dreamy characters who they wish was real. But honestly I felt like he deserved better than how he had been treated. He put up with so much and I honestly don't know how he did it because I would not have been okay with the things he was put through in the relationship.

"I love the real you, the one you hide from everyone else."

Overall I really wanted to like this book. The premise of it I loved and I was interested to see how she got back into her life and if she would change or just go back to how she had been before. Sadly this book just didn't workout like I had hoped for the most part. Way to much was over explained that didn't need to be, as well as certain things just not making sense in the story when it came to characters being involved or not involved. This book was addicting to read though and I wanted to know what was going to happen to Lacey and if she was ever going to figure certain things out on her own. I'm also really happy with who she ended up with and I'm glad she saw the errors of her old ways.

I do hope that this author keeps writing and getting better and better because she can tell a good story and kept me wanting to know what was going to happen.

"I didn't see my accident and my memory loss as a bad thing anymore. In some twisted way, it had actually helped turn my life around."

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  • Started reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Reviewed