Between a Vamp and a Hard Place by Jessica Sims

Between a Vamp and a Hard Place

by Jessica Sims

In the wickedly funny spirit of bestselling authors Kerrelyn Sparks and Molly Harper, this sexy paranormal romance features an estate broker and a 600-year-old vampire out for revenge.

Lindsey Hughes loves antiques and couldn't be happier to make a living in the estate sale business. But when her assistant accidentally buys an entire estate without her approval, Lindsey is forced to clean up the mess herself.

Lindsey travels to the newly purchased, age-old house in Venice, Italy, and soon discovers more than she (never) bargained for. While digging through the hoarder's trove that fills every floor, she finds a secret staircase behind a wall that leads to a strange coffin...with an even stranger inhabitant.

Vampire Rand FitzWulf has been in his coffin for 600 years. But now that he's awake, he's ravenous, and there's a delicious-smelling woman with a rare blood type in his basement. Luckily, Lindsey has more to offer than blood: she agrees to travel throughout Europe with Rand to help him get revenge on the one who turned him. But as the unlikely pair grows closer, will the billionaire vampire be overtaken by his thirst for blood-or his thirst for love?

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

Delightful and witty. Jessica Sims is your next favorite author. This is my second book by Jessica Sims and remembering how much I enjoyed the last book, I was excited to receive a copy of this book. As I read, I saw this as the next Tina Fey/Amy Poehler movie. Someone get on that, please.

Lindsey and Gemma have been best friends since they met in the State orphanage when they were little and have grown up to be closer than sisters. They own a business that sells vintage treasures online and are working hard to open a storefront. Gemma lands an opportunity to sell an entire estate and she jumps on it…with all of their capital. This estate sale will now make or break their fledgling business. Oh, and did she forget to mention that the estate was a condo in Venice?

With no choice, Lindsey and Gemma head over to Italy only to find that the condo is a hoarder’s dream world and no one has been in the place for years. With only a month to go through hundreds of boxes and hopefully find some treasure among all the junk, Gemma and Lindsey need to work round the clock and dig it. Luck might just be on their side when Lindsey stumbles upon a hidden basement filled with rare collectibles. She also stumbles upon a large crate located in the very back. A crate which contains a coffin…a coffin which is actually occupied.

The gorgeous body inside looks pretty good for an old corpse and she’s guessing the giant wooden stick popping out of his chest like a done Thanksgiving turkey might have had something to do with his death. No matter what possessed Lindsey to yank it out, that decision becomes life changing when removing the stake awakens the vampire from his 600 year hibernation. Now Lindsey feels responsible for Rand and agrees to help him find his vampire buddies.

Things don’t go exactly as planned, especially when they realize that one of those old “friends” was probably responsible for slamming that stake in Rand’s chest to begin with. Will Rand finally get some answers or will he simply be bringing Lindsey like a housewarming present into the home of an angry vampire?

I really enjoyed Jessica’s fun and quirky writing. Added to the snarky, witty banter between these sisters by love is the whole fish out of water story of Rand who was staked and put into a vampire hibernation over 600 years ago. She could have done even more with that since nothing was the same as when he went to sleep and Rand should have been a little more freaked out by everything. In fact, one of Rand’s friends had more of a problem with the current wardrobe choices than Rand did and his friend has been around and awake to see the changes in the world.

While reading the story, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler took on the characters of Lindsey and Gemma in my brain and they just fit perfectly. I want to see this as their next movie.

It is noted as part of the Midnight Liaison series but it didn’t appear to have anything to do with the dating service and there were no “guest” appearances from other characters in the series. I have the first three books in this series and one or two of the novellas. I really have to make some time to squeeze these in. This book was an easy read and I read the entire book in a day.

If you haven’t read a Jessica Sims (a/k/a Jessica Clare) story, you should definitely give this one a try.

Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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