Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

Royally Screwed (Royally, #1)

by Emma Chase

Nicholas Arthur Frederick Edward Pembrook, Crowned Prince of Wessco, aka “His Royal Hotness,” is wickedly charming, devastatingly handsome, and unabashedly arrogant—hard not to be when people are constantly bowing down to you.

Then, one snowy night in Manhattan, the prince meets a dark haired beauty who doesn’t bow down. Instead, she throws a pie in his face.

Nicholas wants to find out if she tastes as good as her pie, and this heir apparent is used to getting what he wants.

Dating a prince isn’t what waitress Olivia Hammond ever...Read more

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars


The frog (more like a toad) ended up being a Prince…

Hubby busted me bawling my eyes out again and guess what his first response was? “What did he do?” Yes, it’s irrefutable, my hubby knows me well. I’m one of the lucky ones that have a hubby willing to give me a cuddle when I’m a bit teary…with only mild teasing as payment.

He hurt me…well he hurt her…but it hurt me too. Words can wound.

Royally Screwed was not at all what I thought it would be. I kind of thought it would be light-hearted and funny. There were parts that were humorous and there were parts that were extremely sexy but I couldn’t help looking at it with a wee bit of a heavy heart. The more I got to know both of the main characters the more sympathy I felt. This wasn’t just a story of the Prince riding in on his charger and saving the day. There was definitely reciprocal savings needed.

Olivia works at and runs the family coffee shop. She also makes pies…a lot of pies. Her day starts at 4 o’clock in the morning and doesn’t finish until late. Work is her life. Olivia doesn’t get to take time off because her father and sister depend on her. Ellie, her sister, is finishing off school and is destined for further education. Their father, on the other hand, is still recovering from the death of their mother. His recovery is taking a wee bit too long in my opinion.

So, Olivia has a full plate and not a lot of time for fun and frivolity. When an extremely handsome man comes into the diner with a few other blokes, she has no idea her world is about to change…forever.

Prince Nicholas so and so from so and so is always being watched (too many names and I couldn’t remember the spelling of the place). He’s used to it but it doesn’t mean he likes it. His Grandmother is the Queen and Nicholas, next in line to the throne. Now, to start with, that doesn’t seem too bad. Destined to be King, watched by a few million people…hmmm, I could do that…I think.

Let’s add to the equation his parents died when he was 14 and his younger brother seems to have gone off the rails. Oh, and Granny is a bit of a tyrant…who talks to paintings.

Hmmm…maybe not so easy after all.

Nicholas and Olivia’s first meeting was not a fairytale start. Nicholas is a douchewaffle and Olivia doesn’t have the time or energy to put up with his arrogant behaviour. She sends him on his way but can’t forget him.

Nicholas was a wee bit two sheets to the wind when he sees Olivia and acts very badly. When he sobers up and remembers the encounter (with a little help from his mate Simon) he is horrified and determined to make amends.

What follows is my kind of fairytale sweeping her off her feet apology. The more time they spend together the more they enjoy each others company. But, Nicholas knows he can’t plan on forever with Olivia.

I loved Royally Screwed. This is the best kind of angst that sends me into emotional overload. Yes, I get a little frustrated but not to the level where I want to throw things or I want to castrate the next bloke who walks in the room. And hubby is very thankful for that.

Royally Screwed had characters, main and additional, that were amazing. The sizzling chemistry between Olivia and Nicholas was off the charts. I was sucked into the storyline from the very first page until the last. Overall, it was a great reading experience.

I haven’t read a lot of Emma Chase but I will definitely be reading more soon…ish. Henry’s story is going to be awesome. As soon as I “met” his heroine, I knew I wanted her to have a happy ever after.

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I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • 22 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 22 January, 2017: Reviewed