Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Wren has hated Fuller James since he came between her and her best friend, AND bestowed that awful nickname on her - Wrentainer. She managed to hate him from afar for the past five years, but as a punishment for launching a handful of mashed potatoes at her nemesis, she was forced to tutor him. After spending time with the real Fuller James, she realized, that maybe, she didn't hate him at all.

• Pro: This book was exactly what I needed after being sick for a week. It was fun and cute, and I really couldn't stop reading it, because I was enjoying it so much.

• Pro: I ended up liking both Fuller and Wren a whole lot. I loved getting to know them, and seeing beyond the surface, because they were pretty wonderful underneath all their armor. I also adored them together, and was absolutely shipping them the entire time.

• Pro: There were a few really wonderful familial relationships in this book, which I could not get enough of. Fuller and his little brother were precious together, and Wren and her grandfather stole my heart too. I loved all the positive family focus, and there was a lot of it in this book.

• Con: Marissa, the ex-best friend, was a miserable mean girl. This trope tends to annoy me, but at least I felt like she served a purpose in the story, and she was dealt with appropriately.

• Pro: Both characters experienced personal growth, but Fuller grew a LOT. Being with Wren, and being recognized for more than his basketball prowess, had Fuller looking at things from a new perspective. He realized he was changing, and embraced these changes and his new outlook on things, and gosh darn it! Fuller 2.0 was pretty fabulous.

• Pro: Blount presented me with a rather wonderful grand gesture, a combination of some fan favorites, which delighted me to no end.

Overall: A fun and cute hate-to-love romance, which delivered many smiles and swoons for me.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 20 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 20 February, 2020: Reviewed