A Deadly Bone to Pick by Peggy Rothschild

A Deadly Bone to Pick

by Peggy Rothschild

When Molly Madison, dog-wrangler extraordinaire, stumbles upon a murder in her new hometown, she must track down a killer to save the day.

Ex-police officer and former P.I. Molly Madison is starting over. After the death of her husband, she and her golden retriever, Harlow, move cross-country to California. But as charming and peaceful as the beachside town seems, she soon learns its tranquil tides hold dark secrets.
On her first day in the new house, a large, slobbering Saint Berdoodle wanders in. Molly winds up taking on the responsibility of training Noodle since his owner is too busy to do the job. On one of their daily beachside walks, Noodle digs up a severed hand. Once Molly alerts the police and they run a background check on her, an incident from her past makes her an immediate suspect—after all, Noodle’s testimony to clear her name won’t hold much water in court. 
To prove her innocence, Molly must rely on instincts keener than a canine’s to sniff out the real killer. But when Molly’s life is put in danger, will her two very loyal pups be able to rescue her?

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

A Deadly Bone to Pick is the first book in a new cozy series by Peggy Rothschild. Released 22nd Feb 2022 by Penguin Random House on their Berkley Prime Crime imprint, it's 304 pages and is available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats.

This is a very promising beginning to a new small-town cozy series with a widowed ex-cop female protagonist who has moved from New England to the west cost to make a new start. Having traumatically lost her husband, she's unprepared to be drawn into another murder when a neighbor's dog she's helping to train finds a dismembered hand on the beach. It's a bit trope-y in some ways, for example there's the requisite completely unprofessionally antagonistic local misogynistic law enforcement officer harassing her and trying to frame her for some involvement (boo, hiss), but overall I really liked Ms. Rothschild's facility with characterization and plotting. The dialogue is generally good and it's a fast, easy read. I was especially impressed with the way the author handled introducing protagonist Molly's back story and her move to the opposite coast of the USA.

The plot threads are spun out well and the denouement and resolution are satisfying if a tiny bit predictable. The author did a good job of fleshing out the secondary characters as well. They're three-dimensional and believable, even the antagonistic jerk cop (boo, hiss). One of the secondary but pivotal characters is a precocious 8 year old who was one of the stars of the book for me. Dog lovers will find a lot to enjoy here and it's clear the author is either gifted at background research or very familiar with dog training and agility.

The language is mild (a few "damns" and nothing worse), and there's no explicit content, gore, or violence on-page. There's the merest whiff of romance, but nothing even remotely stated in this book. (Possible future romantic interest from the "good" cop partner of the "bad cop"(boo, hiss)).

Four and a half stars. This is top shelf cozy mystery. Highly recommended.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 24 February, 2022: Reviewed