Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Avery's family was still recovering from her mother's sudden death, when she learned her father's job was on the line. She wasn't sure how to guarantee his football team made the playoffs, but she knew they had a better chance with Lucas on the team.

Lucas was just trying to lie low after being run out of his last school. He shouldn't have been playing ball, but he just needed that small part of himself to help ease the pain of all he lost. He just never expected someone like Avery would waltz into his life, and push him back into the limelight.

My love for football books is no secret, and this one hit me with a one-two-punch, while also filling me up with a good dose of feel-good, which I expect from sports themed books.

Both Lucas and Avery were trying to recover from some very big losses. Avery was still reeling from her mother's death, and trying to cope in her own way, by trying to plan and control as many things as possible. While, Lucas essentially lost everything, and was forced to start a new - no team, no friends, no future. Both of their situations were heartbreaking, even if they were very different kinds of losses, and it was a gift that they found each other to help assuage the pain.

It brought me so much joy to see Lucas rebuilding his life, and this small town really welcomed him with open arms. At first you would think it was all about his ability to run and catch the ball, but later in the story, when everything starts to fall apart, that's when you find out who your friends are. And, wow! That last bit of the book was what I come to sports romances for. It made me want to stand up and cheer, and left me in a state of utter happiness.

On top of all of this, I also got a great romance. It might have seemed a little insta-lovey, but I was a fan of this pairing. Avery "saw" Lucas after he had hit rock bottom, when everyone else had abandoned him. She offered him a helping hand, when he felt isolated and alone, and I can understand him falling for the girl. Regardless of what drove their union, I liked seeing this love grow and flourish. It was sweet and gooey, and there was even a small-scale grand gesture, which made my happy tears flow, and reminded me that even small gestures can be quite grand.

Overall: A touching story about the power of love, family, and friendship, when it comes to recovering from great losses.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 19 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2019: Reviewed