Those Above: The Empty Throne Book 1 by Daniel Polansky

Those Above: The Empty Throne Book 1 (The Empty Throne)

by Daniel Polansky

They enslaved humanity three thousand years ago. Tall, strong, perfect, superhuman and near immortal they rule from their glittering palaces in the eternal city in the centre of the world. They are called Those Above by their subjects. They enforce their will with fire and sword.

Twenty five years ago mankind mustered an army and rose up against them, only to be slaughtered in a terrible battle. Hope died that day, but hatred survived. Whispers of another revolt are beginning to stir in the hearts of the oppressed: a woman, widowed in the war, who has dedicated...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Complicated politics.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2016: Reviewed