Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

1 of 5 stars

I considered not reviewing this because of the content but I figured that since the author is selling this for $4.99 on Amazon I felt that it was in a lot of people's best interest if I did.

Unsung Giant tells the story of Loki in a new light and makes him into some much more than just a trickster. Or if I'm being completely honestly half of it's new and the other have is what I could honestly call fanfiction for the Marvel Comic's Thor. I don't say this simply because things were similar, I say this because things were directly taken from the movies and it honestly bothered me to no end. There were moments where the author had some really great ideas, which i assume are her own, but she ruined it when she decided to blatantly pull in things like SHIELD, Hydra, the tesseract, etc.

I honestly wanted to like this book and the only reason I kept reading was in hopes that the initial similarities were just coincidence or accidents, but after reading everything I can say it's no accident.

I'm really upset about this and I'm not entirely sure that Marvel would be okay with it either.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 24 November, 2013: Reviewed