The Ton's Most Notorious Rake by Sarah Mallory

The Ton's Most Notorious Rake (Saved From Disgrace, #1)

by Sarah Mallory

She's vowed to stay clear of men...

But can she resist the ton's most notorious rake?

Alone in the dirt, her ankle in agony, the last person Molly Morgan wants to come to her rescue is the handsome yet infuriating Beau Russington. Molly does her utmost to avoid scandalous rakes like Russ, and his dangerous allure shakes up her quiet country life. But the sparks between them could be explosive if Molly only dares to surrender...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

learning to trust is hard work Molly Morgan lives quietly with her brother in his vicarage, helping to run a house for "unfortunate" women when her life is disruped by Sir Gerald Kilburn and his house party, particularly Beau Russington who is everything she thinks she should despise, but how come he attracts her so much.  Beau Russington is a renouned rake, well able to talk to women except for Molly who keeps him on his toes.
They're the core romance but ther are a few others and it's interesting to see the relationships build.
Entertaining and light.

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  • 21 August, 2018: Reviewed