Aiming for Love by Mary Connealy

Aiming for Love (Brides of Hope Mountain, #1)

by Mary Connealy

Josephine Nordegren is one of three sisters who grew up nearly wild in southwestern Colorado. She has the archery skills of Robin Hood and the curiosity of the Little Mermaid, fascinated by but locked away from the forbidden outside world--a world she's been raised to believe killed her parents. When David Warden, a rancher, brings in a herd much too close to the girls' secret home, her older sister especially is frightened, but Jo is too interested to stay away.

David's parents follow soon on his heels, escaping bandits at their ranch. David's father is wounded and needs shelter. Josephine and her sisters have the only cabin on the mountain. Do they risk stepping into the world to help those in need? Or do they remain separated but safe in the peaks of Hope Mountain?

Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Oh what fun!

My rating is 4.5 stars

When Jo was caught sneaking into Dave's camp, nobody's life was ever the same again. I loved the way Dave was so appalled by Jo and yet so captivated by her at the same time. And bewildered at her strange behavior and beliefs.

The Nordegren sisters, having been isolated from the outside world by a grandmother who lived in fear of death and disease had a number of idiosyncrasies. Their ability to move through the forest so quietly even the woodland creatures didn't notice their presence was one. Their strange speech and manner of quoting the Bible along with Aesop's fables were yet another. While Jo and Ilsa had a fascination with the outside world, Ursula was terrified by it, having been more greatly influenced by their grandmother.

The sisters had to decide between surrendering to their fears and showing kindness to the Warden family when Dave's father was injured. Then, when their greatest fear was realized, they had to again choose between hope and fear.

Ma Warden was a gem, especially the tactful way she dealt with the misunderstanding the sisters had concerning their "good books." Her love and compassion were combined with wisdom.

Speaking of the "good books". . . While making it clear the sisters were confused and that the Bible is the only infallible word of God, the story had some very funny sections where the confusion about the boy who cried wolf and wolves in sheep's clothing had Dave's head spinning and forgetting what was actually from the Bible and what was not. I laughed out loud as I read. Despite their confusion, the fact that the sisters revered God's word, had such a large portion of it memorized (to the point they really thought they knew how to read!), and desired to live out the truths contained within were admirable.

If you have read Mary Connealy's High Sierra Sweethearts series, then you are already familiar with the way she creates such quirky yet loveable characters. And then places them in familiar and yet unexpected circumstances making a very enjoyable story.

Now that I've met the Warden family and the Nordegren sisters and have seen the beginnings of this tale unfold, I'm excited to continue learning about them when Woman of Sunlight releases March 2020 followed by Ursula's story whenever it comes out. I already have a hunch about who she might end up with but my aim could be completely off!

If you enjoy history and adventure, humor and romance, I highly recommend you read Aiming for Love.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 26 October, 2019: Reviewed