Do You Want To Start A Scandal by Tessa Dare

Do You Want To Start A Scandal (Castles Ever After, #4) (Spindle Cove, #5)

by Tessa Dare

On the night of the Parkhurst ball, someone had a scandalous tryst in the library. Was it Lord Canby, with the maid, on the divan? Or Miss Fairchild, with a rake, against the wall? Perhaps the butler did it. All Charlotte Highwood knows is this: it wasn't her. But rumors to the contrary are buzzing. Unless she can discover the lovers' true identity, she'll be forced to marry Piers Brandon, Lord Granville-the coldest, most arrogantly handsome gentleman she's ever had the misfortune to embrace. When it comes to emotion, the man hasn't got a clue. But as they set...Read more

Reviewed by readingwithbecs on

4 of 5 stars

This book was a lot of fun!

Charlotte's mother is so funny. She only wants the best for her daughters, she doesn't care that's not what they want for themselves, and she's not subtle about it at all! There's a scene between Charlotte and her mother in the start of the book, where the mother is explaining to Charlotte what sex is, and it was just too funny! Charlotte herself is both mortified and having trouble taking her mother seriously, which just made the scene even better! I enjoy every scene with her in it!

I loved the reveal of the mystery lovers from the library. I had no clues to this mystery, and I loved the result! Even when Charlotte and Piers have figured it out, I still didn't know, and I needed them to reveal it to me.

I was not a fan of the conflict between Charlotte and Piers in the last part of the book. I thought it was a weird conflict, but it didn't spoil the book for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 December, 2020: Finished reading
  • 20 December, 2020: Reviewed