Cerulean Sins by Laurell K. Hamilton

Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #11)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

Anita Blake is back! When Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, is asked to reanimate the body of a long-dead corpse it seems like just another case. But the corpse may hold the secret to an ancient crime that not everyone wants to be remembered . Now an unknown and terrifying menace moves to stop her investigation. Anita must employ all her deadly skill if she is to find the answers she needs and strike her enemies down. Find out more about this title and others at www.orbitbooks.co.uk

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy the Anita Blake series and I enjoyed this book as well. But it seemed too wordy at times I think, like where you'd sit there and go get on with it already. Anita is a little take but hardly any give in her relationships and that is getting kinda annoying. And her hang up with Richard is getting extremely annoying. It's like that saying hurt me once shame on you hurt me twice shame on me, but there won't be a thrice time. She should just cut her losses and try to salvage maybe a friendship but nothing more.

Richard, OMG what the hell is his deal, he is the most wa-wa'd person in the world....I think this whole morals taking over nature bit is getting tiresome. Richard needs to get over himself, he's not human anymore so quit having human values & morals and views because no matter what he does it's going to back fire on him tenfold.

I think it's awesome about the threesome thing she's got going on between her, Jean Claude, and Asher. it's about time I say on that Asher is just way too sexy.

Micah, I think he's too easy, he does everything Anita says and doesn't bitch about anything.

Anita truly should stay clear of Nate I think if she steps to far over that line, she's going to end up breaking his heart and I just love it that he is finally growing some balls, he really should grow some more and maybe further advance his character.

Real cute between Cherry and zane can we say AWWWWWWW?

Now Dolph that man is becoming psycho I mean yeah I get it his son is turning vamp and in love with a vamp and what not, but that doesn't mean he should take it out on everyone else out there in the paranormal world for what his son choses. I think he is being a jerk plain and simple. Dragging Anita around by the arm so she lands in the victims blood and god knows what else.

any rate I have my complaints but it was still a good book overall

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  • 19 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 19 May, 2011: Reviewed