Mr. Kiss and Tell by Rob Thomas, Jennifer Graham

Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars, #2)

by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham

In the second book in the New York Times bestselling mystery series, Veronica Mars is back with a case that will expose the hidden workings of one of Neptune’s most murderous locations.

The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have a potential powder keg on their hands. They turn to Veronica to disprove—or prove—the woman's...

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Reviewed by Steve Manke on

4 of 5 stars

I'll admit to being disappointed that this audiobook wasn't narrated by Kristen Bell. Having the actress from the show/movie narrate that previous audiobook added to the experience. That said, this book fits with everything viewers/readers have come to expect from the world. There's a clever mystery at the heart of the story, great character-based writing, and most of our favorite characters are represented. The timeline dovetails masterfully with the series, subsequent movie, and previous book, so there's a cohesiveness that's also highly rewarding to fans. And with another web streamed season of the show upcoming, it will be interesting to see if that season is a rehash of one of these books or if it builds on the events which took place in the books.

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  • 27 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 27 December, 2018: Reviewed