The Princess and the Frogs by Veronica Bartles

The Princess and the Frogs

by Veronica Bartles

A delightfully funny reinvention of the classic fairy tale "The Frog Prince," from author Veronica Bartles and illustrator Sara Palacios. Once upon a time there was a princess named Cassandra who had everything she could ever wish for...except a pet frog to be her best friend. So when the Royal Pet Handler finds her the perfect little green frog with bumpy brown spots, Cassandra couldn't be happier. Until she gives her friend a good-night kiss and-WHOOSH!-he turns into a prince! But princes aren't pets. Cassandra wants a frog! Soon her castle is overflowing with princes, and if Cassandra doesn't find a way to fix the situation, her overcrowded castle might burst at the seams-and she may never have a frog of her own.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama. 

This is cute and a new rewrite of a story we know and love. As a mother to a little princess who is crazy about all things princess, and her sister who is studying literature on fairy tales this year we found this book to arrive with perfect timing. Cassandra is an adorable little princess (with glasses, no less!!) that really wants a frog friend to do activities with, however, when she finds the frog, he becomes a prince! This happens again and again, but finally it settles into a great ending for all characters involved. Veronica Bartles' writing is witty and Sara Palacios' illustrations are vibrant and fun. A great one for our shelves.

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This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 November, 2016: Reviewed