Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Another Charmer falls for a Dashing Widow.

There is no bloody way I would survive back in the day. The rules of propriety and decorum would drive me bonkers. A lady wearing red is scandalous...well there goes a few of my favourite items of clothing in my wardrobe. A lady, alone with a gentleman after dark better get a special license ready...oh geez, no wonder they married young. I would have been married at seventeen...shudders. A lady married to an unfaithful husband must grin and bear it. Sure...after I castrate him.

Yep...I think I will stick with the here and now for my reality and step back in time reading historical romances.

I am addicted to this series. Anna Campbell's Dashing Widows series manages to leave me with a smile on my face every time. I admit, this one did frustrate me a little.

Sally, the heroine, can't seem to move on after her horrible marriage. The gorgeous and charming Sir Charles is right in front of her and instead of seeing his interest in her, only sees a potential suitor for her niece. She's too old and not at all good enough for such a nice young man.

Charles can't believe the love of his life keeps foisting him off on her niece. What will it take for her to see him? When will he get an opportunity to pounce?

With time and perseverance this Dashing Widow may finally get what she's always from Charming Sir Charles.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2017: Reviewed