Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars



I ABSOLUTELY. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. I became a huge fan of Sara Ney with her How to Date a Douchebag series and was completely bummed when it ended. But then she released Switch Hitter, which was totally worthy of a full length novel and then we got the excerpt for Jock Row. And I could not contain my excitement.

Guys, this book was just pure perfection. Coming off from reading about her Douchebag guys that we love so much, I wasn't sure which direction this new series was going to take.

I am 100% #TeamRowdy and there's no changing that... at the moment. He was so different than her previous heroes and it was so easy to fall in love with him. He wasn't a d-bag, just a guy waiting to finish his last year of school to pursue his professional baseball career and keep his fellow teammates in line. But I'm sure what he least expected was to have Scarlett sneak into his life.

Scarlett, a heroine you'll absolutely love and the best friend everyone should have, even though hers were kinda sh*tty and a bit dimwitted might I add. But never mind that. #collegelife

It was clear as day that when Scarlett and Rowdy met it was game over for the both of them. I've never felt so giddy during a book in so long. They're just so freakin' cute and make you wish that they were indeed a real couple. But whatever, they're real to me! Seriously, they have the best "how did you meet" story!

I don't think Rowdy expected to be so enamored with Scarlett on that very porch. Their conversations and flirting was just... ugh, everything. All the fuzzy feelings with this one and it'll give her other books a run for their money.

I think I liked the fact that they were at that age of almost graduating from college and nearly entering the reality of being an actual adult. Rowdy already did the partying and messed around, so he was just done with all of that.

And Miss Scarlett, so full of sass and will call you out on your BS from a mile away. A bit of a killjoy they called, but I loved her. She was the best!

Yep, Sara Ney fans will absolutely love this and you'll completely switch to #TeamRowdy. The next ones in her Jock Hard series has some serious shoes to fit.

So, pick up your copy of Jock Hard, laugh, swoon, giggle, blush a little a bit and completely fall in love with Rowdy and Scarlett.

Highly recommend!

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  • Started reading
  • 30 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 30 April, 2018: Reviewed