Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I have had the pleasure of reviewing for Shelby Lamb in the past. So when she approached me to review Her, I jumped on it. I am glad I did. Her got under my skin, big time. This is not a 400-page book. It is a 50-page short story which packs a lot of psychological punch. I had Her on my mind for a few days after I read it, that is how much it affected me.

Her is about Tinsley. Tinsley was disfigured in an accident that killed her best friend, Becky. She has become housebound, only leaving the house to go jogging or to go out with her worker, Wanda. During the book, Tinsley comes to realize that she needs to move on and she needs to try to find love. It takes two chance run-ins with a mysterious man that makes Tinsley think “What if“and “Should I”

What I liked about Her is that the author makes you care about Tinsley. I wanted her to get out and enjoy life. I wanted her to realize that her disabilities shouldn’t limit her. I do believe that she starts to believe that towards the end of the book. The psychological punch was there too and the author did a great job capturing that. I do think that something is up with Tinsley though. The scene at her psychiatrist office was a huge one. Why would a Dr. who has known his patient for years call her by the wrong name? Gave me something to think about after I was done reading the book.

I liked the end of the book. Tinsley’s issues weren’t cured and the ending wasn’t a traditional happy ending. I cannot wait to read Book 2!!

4 Stars

My review of Her:

Her is a psychological look at Tinsley’s life after a traumatic event. It also follows her as she tries to navigate it. The plotline is simple and well written. The characters are 3D and are written in such a way that you can’t help but care about them. This is a short story that I enjoyed reading.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Older Teen

Why: A very clean book that does have some mild language in it. I would feel very comfortable letting anyone over the age of 16 read Her.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2017: Reviewed