Cloudbound by Fran Wilde

Cloudbound (Bone Universe, #2)

by Fran Wilde

"When Kirit Densira left her home tower for the skies, she gave up many things: her beloved family, her known way of life, her dreams of flying as a trader for her tower, her dreams. Kirit set her City upside down, and fomented a massive rebellion at the Spire, to the good of the towers--but months later, everything has fallen to pieces. With the Towers in disarray, without a governing body or any defense against the dangers lurking in the clouds, daily life is full of terror and strife. Nat, Kirit's wing-brother, sets out to be a hero in his own way--sitting on the new Council to cast votes protecting Tower-born, and exploring lower tiers to find more materials to repair the struggling City"--Provided by publisher.

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

3 of 5 stars

I'm not really interested in any of these characters, but the world they live in is fascinating enough. Answered the big question I had last book of why the city roaring would be fixed by hucking folks off into the air. Nice! Very nice.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2016: Reviewed