Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I hate picking up a book mid-series. I get all sorts of confused over the character relationships. But not with this book. This book can be read as part of the series or alone, which is ok with me.

I liked how this book was written. It was written as if it was a blog. It grabbed my attention and made me wonder if the whole series was written that way. Also, the author of the book was the author of the blog in the book, which is also very interesting.

What fascinated me with this book was the Internet survived The Fall. More importantly, the author’s blog survived. The blogger did make a point of saying that he only had readers in the USA and Canada.

The blogger/author didn’t spend a whole lot of time describing the zombies. Only to say that they were evolving into smarter zombies. Which again, fascinated me. And kind of scared me. I am a wimp when it comes to these types of books.

I will reread this book, but I would want to start with the entire series. This book is going on my will read again shelf.

**I voluntarily reviewed this book**

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  • 19 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2013: Reviewed