The Mammoth Book of Terror by

The Mammoth Book of Terror

This startling, high-octane collection includes short novels by Clive Barker and Karl Edward Wagner, and stories by such luminaries of fear as Lisa Tuttle, David J. Schow, Ramsey Campbell, Brian Lumley, Dennis Etchison, and others.

Reviewed by Cameron Trost on

3 of 5 stars

Books with "mammoth" or "the best" in the title often disappoint me. This anthology, clocking in at five hundred and eighty-seven pages, certainly deserves to be considered a mammoth, and I can't deny that there is a dash of terror to be found within. Overall, the quality of the writing is quite good and the stories entertain, but there none really stood out, although a couple almost made it. I've given the anthology as a whole three stars, but here are the tales that are closer to four stars for me, in order of preference:
"Firstborn" by David Campton
"The River of Night's Dreaming" by Karl Edward Wagner
"The House of the Temple" by Brian Lumley
"Buckets" by F. Paul Wilson

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  • 1 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2016: Reviewed