Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

ennifer Harlow has made me an official fangirl; she writes great female leads, there is tons of lust/love and there is always a good mystery. Mona is the quintessential take charge woman; she runs her family business, cares for two young nieces, is planning her sister’s wedding and is the local High Priestess. Where in that picture is there time for romance? Nowhere. And that’s when Adam Blue steps out of the shadows and into her life. Adam becomes Mona’s self-appointed protector when she is threatened.

Harlow does a great job of balancing the mystery of who is trying to kill Mona with the growing relationship between her and Adam. After a few chapters I became genuinely invested in whether Mona would push Adam out of her life or take a chance on love. Why? Because Harlow made these characters real. Who doesn’t identify with the woman who sacrifices everything for her family or community and thinks that she has missed her shot at finding her one true love? Harlow taps into that with Mona and makes you want to sit her down and say “This guy is for real, give him a chance.” The story is well told and Harlow builds enough tension to keep you reading and wanting more.

Reviewed by Karon for Cocktails and Books

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  • 19 February, 2013: Reviewed