Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

5 of 5 stars

Book 2 of the Supernature series, Just Walking the Dead is a quick and dirty little story about chasing vampires through the Scottish Highlands. Now, I know you might be asking yourself, since when are there vampires in the Scottish Highlands? The answer may surprise you. The lack of sunshine draws them like flies from all over the world, apparently.

Although only 60 pages, the story isn't lacking in strong characters. I liked the idea of the main character being a vampire who hunts vampires while sipping pig's blood. Lots of humor sprinkled throughout, and lots of action kept the pace moving quickly. The salacious plot involving Pollock and one of the female vampires will certainly raise eyebrows. Hey, I said it was quick and dirty and I wasn't kidding.

Proof that big things come in small packages, Just Walking The Dead is a great sequel to Shot Through The Heart but also great as a standalone short story.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2015: Reviewed