Sweet Misfortune by Kevin Alan Milne

Sweet Misfortune

by Kevin Alan Milne

Sophie Jones has had more than her share of misfortune. Orphaned young by a fatal car accident, her life has been the definition of tragedy and every time she tries to move forward, her past drags her back. Her one consolation is discovering she's not alone when she whips up a batch of Misfortune Cookies that become a surprise hit with customers at her chocolate shop. She's not depressed, just realistic and her luck seems true to form when Garrett Black walks into her shop as a birthday surprise. It's been almost a year since he broke off their engagement with no explanation and disappeared. Now he wants to explain but she proposes something else - Garrett is to take out a want add in the local paper seeking sustainable happiness. When he gets 100 acceptable responses, she'll go out on one last date and hear him out. Sophie knows he has no chance of winning but she doesn't count on his determination, or that the media picks up on the ad, causing it to go viral. Soon her PO box is flooded and in the midst of the overwhelming response and the impact it has on those around her, Sophie might have to concede that happiness isn't always fleeting.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

A cute romantic story, but there is a lot of things that stand in the way of true love.
I liked both the main female and male characters. This really is a quick read
if you have the time to just sit and read in one or two sittings. I want to read
more books by Kevin Alan Milne.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 4 January, 2011: Reviewed