Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars


The difficult second book…this was by no means difficult, this book was fantastic!!!!! I enjoyed my first outing with Ms Patis when I read The Diary, but The Girl Across the Street blows that out the water!

The whole book I was on edge, I didn’t know why I should be but golly was I! After a bloodshed prologue, to a hit and run opening chapter, this book just didn’t stop. I could not for the life of me fully uncover the secrets between Isla and Beth until they were shown to me and boy were they some secrets.

Alternating chapters between the women flowed so well. Each giving you more of a tidbit than before. Each leaving you wanting to read just one more chapter. I mean I basically read this in one night! I declare for me this was a book I could not put down and I didn’t want to either.

I found the writing so easy to immerse myself into. I found I was shouting at both the women all the way through to get away or tell me more! Of course like usual, no one listened to me!

I have to mention just ever so briefly two absolutely despicable characters Jake and his mother Judith. Why oh why is it always the mother and the son you would just love to see bad things happen to and the way they treat other women left me with so much rage!

I really did enjoy this book, there is a sense of foreboding throughout and a very tough subject of abuse handled delicately which leaves you steaming with anger and wanting to drive around and punch someone’s lights out. I loved the setting of Hertford as a couple of my local home towns are mentioned so I could clearly envisage the sights around me.

Where I had reservations with both women, their friendship, bond and need for acceptance is strong and I cared about them and their welfare. It really is true you do not have a clue what goes on behind closed doors…and do you even want to.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 March, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 March, 2019: Reviewed