One Week Girlfriend by Monica Murphy

One Week Girlfriend (One Week Girlfriend, #1)

by Monica Murphy

Breakout sensation Monica Murphy takes the romance genre by storm with the deeply emotional, completely addicting story of Drew and Fable.
Temporary. That’s the word I’d use to describe my life right now. I’m temporarily working double shifts—at least until I can break free. I’m temporarily raising my little brother—since apparently our actual mother doesn’t give a crap about either of us. And I always end up as nothing but the temporary girlfriend—the flavor of the week for every guy who’s heard the rumor that I give it up so easily.
At least Drew Callahan, college football legend and local golden boy, is upfront about it. He needs someone to play the part of his girlfriend for one week. In exchange for cash. As if that’s not weird enough, ever since he brought me into his world, nothing really makes sense. Everyone hates me. Everyone wants something from him. And yet the only thing Drew seems to want is . . . me.
I don’t know what to believe anymore. Drew is sweet, sexy, and hiding way more secrets than I am. All I know is, I want to be there for him—permanently.

Praise for One Week Girlfriend

“A sweet and sexy read with a dash of angst. It will hook you from page one!”Under the Covers

“The author had me hooked within the opening pages.  What a great debut novel by Monica Murphy! . . . All I have to say is pick up the book and be prepared for the roller coaster you are about to get on. . . . You will not want to miss this book and this author.”Shh Moms Reading

“I chose this book to be the book. The perfect book that would make the world stop for a few hours and suck me into another universe completely. The perfect book that would make my heart race and stop all at the same time. This book is that book! This book is perfect!”The Obsessive Reader

“A deep and thought provoking story . . . Be on the lookout for Monica Murphy because I’m sure you’ll be hearing more great things from her!”Mostly YA Book Obsessed

“A delicious read, hot romance, complicated characters and intense drama.”Literary Cravings

“An emotional and heartbreaking storyline . . . Monica Murphy pulls the reader in and won’t let go.”The Reading Cafe

“An amazing read! . . . [I] can’t wait to continue the emotional journey of Drew and Fable.”A Bookish Escape

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

I heart New Adult books so much, so when I spotted Monica Murphy’s novel One Week Girlfriend on Amazon when it was the Kindle Daily Deal, I bought it immediately. For 99p you can’t go wrong with any kind of book – it’s almost always a good chance for me to be introduced to a new author, and it’s even better when I know that author has other fabulous books waiting to be discovered! One Week Girlfriend is the first in a series of four books (Second Chance Girlfriend, Three Broken Promises, and Four Years Later). Which basically meant that when I read One Week Girlfriend I had three more books waiting, yay! And since I LOVED One Week Girlfriend, well, colour me happy (although I do have to wait for books 3 and 4 but that’s OK).

I was really excited to start reading One Week Girlfriend because the synopsis is amazing. Drew Callahan needs a buffer. He needs a fake girlfriend to come home with him for Thanksgiving to keep him out of trouble with his dad and step-mother, Adele. Fable needs money. She’s looking after her brother while her dead-beat Mom spends more time drinking and spending time with loser boyfriends and knows that the promise of $3000 will see and her brother through for a couple of months. So when Drew asks Fable to be his fake girlfriend for a week, she agrees. The last thing she expects though is to fall for Drew for real, but he’s hiding so many secrets and his family are so messed up, Fable isn’t entirely sure what she’s letting herself in for, but she’s willing to take the risk…

I really, really enjoyed One Week Girlfriend. Every time I picked it up, I never wanted to put it down and it was disappointing every time I had to, because y’know I have to work. But I was entirely taken with Drew and Fable’s story. Sure, it’s a bit soap-operaish, especially because I knew exactly what was coming in regards to Drew and his secrets. Some people will question it, and say it’s perhaps farfetched, but I really enjoyed it, despite knowing what was coming. I loved how they basically clicked from the word go. From that meeting outside the bar where Fable works. It just seemed right. Throughout the novel, Fable says that she thinks she and Drew were meant to meet, and that shines through in the novel. It’s like, as soon as they met, boom!!! – how hadn’t they already met before? They were clearly soulmates and it leapt from the page.

I just adored the book! It took me almost a week to read, but if I’d had the time I’d have completed it in just the one sitting. It was THAT good. So good, in fact, that I’ve gone and bought Second Chance Boyfriend already and plan to read it next, even though I’ve got tons of books to read already. I’m also planning to pre-order books 3 and 4, because I’m already super invested in this series already. I already want to know if Fable and Drew manage to sort out all their issues and get their happy ending, despite so many conflicts and problems, and stuff. Monica Murphy is a wonderful writer and I loved that she set the book from both Drew and Fable’s perspective, I loved seeing how they were both feeling at any one time. I totally recommend the book, it’s a fantastic start to a fantastic new series and I can’t wait to read more!

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  • 14 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2013: Reviewed