A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong

A Stitch in Time (Stitch in Time, #1)

by Kelley Armstrong

Thorne Manor has always been haunted…and it has always haunted Bronwyn Dale. As a young girl, Bronwyn could pass through a time slip in her great-aunt's house, where she’d visit William Thorne, a boy her own age, born two centuries earlier. In the wake of a family tragedy, the house was shuttered and Bronwyn was convinced that William existed only in her imagination. 

Twenty years later, Bronwyn inherits Thorne Manor, exactly when she needs it most, her life stalled since her young husband’s death years earlier. And when she returns, William is waiting. 

William Thorne is no longer the calm and quiet boy she remembers. He’s a difficult and tempestuous man, his own life marred by a tragedy and scandal that had him retreating to self-imposed exile in his beloved moors. He’s also none too pleased with Bronwyn for abandoning him all those years ago. 

As their friendship rekindles and sparks into something more, Bronwyn must also deal with ghosts in the present version of the house, and soon she realizes they are linked to William and the secret scandal that drove him back to Thorne Manor.

Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

I’m a huge fan of time travel. Walking through stones like in Outlander or traveling through space and time in a blue box. I love it all. I’ve read stories and watched movies and shows about the theory of time travel. In this novel, time travel is revealed in a way I’ve never seen before.

Imagine there is a place where two timelines run parallel to each other. One in the present and one two hundred years in the past. Not just anybody could slip through time, only one who is sensitive or has the sight can do it. In this novel, Bronwyn Dale is that person.

This story has many layers and is a lot to unpack, but Armstrong makes it work in a way she never has before. She challenged herself to write a story unlike any of her others and I believe her challenge is her readers gain.

As a small child, Bronwyn spent her summers at her great-aunt’s manor house next to an English moor. Until she was five, Bronwyn slipped through a tiny stitch in time through her bedroom to play with her best friend, William, two hundred years in the past. After her parents divorced, she didn’t visit for ten years. At age fifteen, their friendship blossomed into love. Unfortunately, a tragedy caused by an angry spirit forced Bronwyn away from William and into a mental hospital. Twenty-three years later, thirty-eight-year-old Bronwyn is a widow and has inherited Thorne Manor. Once she returns and makes her first slip, she meets the man William has become. While they deal with the navigation of a new element to their relationship, a mama cat in the past, a kitten in the present, and a host of spirits waiting to be freed, nothing is easy for the fated couple.

This novel is an instant page turner. I was hooked just by the summary and couldn’t wait to read it. The pieces of the mysterious puzzle were scattered throughout the novel, but Armstrong brought them all together to create the perfect picture in the end. It seems Armstrong can put her mark on any genre. This novel has romance, science fiction, paranormal, and time travel elements all in one. All of them are perfectly packaged in this thrilling story. Now I need more stories with elements of A Stitch in Time to tide me over until Armstrong releases another best seller.

I received A Stitch in Time for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 17 September, 2020: Started reading
  • 18 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 18 September, 2020: Reviewed