One Silent Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon

One Silent Night (Dark-Hunter, #15) (The Dark-Hunter World)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

It's the Christmas season and all hell's breaking loose. Literally. While humans shop, an angry demon lord is plotting an all-out onslaught against his enemies, which - unfortunately for us - includes the human race. But as Stryker gathers his forces, he discovers a grown daughter he never knew existed and an angry ex, Zephyra, who's as determined to end his existence as he is to end ours. The ultimate predator is about to meet his match as new battle lines are drawn and the Dark-Hunters are rallied for a blood bath on Christmas Eve. The only question is this: can Stryker survive his oldest enemy to fight the ones he really wants to kill - or will Zephyra finally have her shot at the husband who abandoned her?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Stryker has got to be the funniest and sexiest villians out there. I mean with his black hair and silver eyes, and his strong demeanor. YUM! The battle was funnyt I totally pictured Stryker in his battle gear and Ash in his MCR shirt and duster on and Nick looking all suave all three looking like late teens early 20's in sync walking into battle it was EPIC just classic.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 11 May, 2011: Reviewed