The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Creative Short Stories (Hardcover)) (Acting Edition S.)

by James Thurber

Musical comedy Based on the story by James Thurber Characters: 5 male, 6 female, and as many extras as desired. Scenery: Various simple sets (or one basic set). On his fortieth birthday Walter Mitty reflects on his drab, ordinary life. Defeated in his quest for wealth and glory by family responsibilities, a mortgage, and a routine job, he creates elaborate fantasies in which he is the hero. His secret world is so enticing that he often loses sight of the boundary between dream and reality and comically slips into his imagination. An attractive would be chanteuse aptly named Willa de Wisp encourages Walter to leave his wife, shed the burdens of suburban living and really live the secret life. Unfortunately it is as unattainable as it is appealing. At the end of the play Walter discovers that he is happily committed to the real world. "A thoroughly pleasant musical evening."-- Time.

Reviewed by adamfortuna on

2 of 5 stars

This short story published in the New York Times in 1938 follows Walter Mitty as he is driving his wife to a hair appointment and running a few errands. During this afternoon out, his mind wanders to adventures, legal cases, sporting events and more. While completely different from the recent movie, the idea is still novel as a story today.

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  • 17 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2019: Reviewed