Guardian Angel by Robert Muchamore

Guardian Angel (CHERUB)

by Robert Muchamore

Guardian Angel is the second book in a brand-new CHERUB series from Robert Muchamore. Ryan has saved Ethan's life more than once. Ethan thinks he must be a guardian angel. But Ryan works for CHERUB, a secret organisation with one key advantage: even experienced criminals never suspect that children are spying on them. Ethan's family runs a billion-dollar criminal empire and Ryan's job is to destroy it. Can Ryan complete his mission without destroying Ethan as well? For official purposes, these children do not exist.

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

Well this was a lot more action packed than the last. Unfortunately I think I stopped caring at some point. The last third was a drag. Ning went from a strong resourceful character of the previous book to being relegated to background work. Ethan may as well have just called himself Alex Rider with all the shit he went through. And Ryan didn't really add much at all. Got a few passwords. Made a few calls. Nothing to write home about. It certainly wasn't like the original Cherub series where James or Lauren or that are actually doing stuff in the books. The relationship between Grace and Ryan was actually worse than the whole James/Kerry one. I honestly didn't think that was possible.

I'll read the next one. Because I'm so bloody close to being finished. But I think maybe Ning should have had her own mission and let the series wrap up. I won't rate it 1 star because I didn't hate the first two thirds, so I'm splitting the difference and leaving it at 2 stars.

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed