Walking on Trampolines by Frances Whiting

Walking on Trampolines

by Frances Whiting

"Tallulah de Longland," she said slowly, letting all the Ls in my name loll about lazily in her mouth before passing judgment. "That," she announced, "is a serious glamorgeous name."

From the day Annabelle Andrews sashays into her classroom, Tallulah 'Lulu' de Longland is bewitched: by Annabelle, by her family, and by their sprawling, crumbling house tumbling down to the river.

Their unlikely friendship intensifies through a secret language where they share confidences about their unusual mothers, first loves, and growing up in the small coastal town of Juniper Bay. But the euphoria of youth rarely lasts, and the implosion that destroys their friendship leaves lasting scars and a legacy of self-doubt that haunts Lulu into adulthood.

Years later, Lulu is presented with a choice: remain the perpetual good girl who misses out, or finally step out from the shadows and do something extraordinary. And possibly unforgivableā€¦

It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce.

Reviewed by violetpeanut on

3 of 5 stars

This book tackles a lot of different issues. At it's heart, it's about betrayal, forgiveness and friendships. It also deals with mental illness, first loves and crippling self-doubt. These issues are all dealt with in very real and sometimes poignant ways. The characters are all well-drawn and complex. I didn't particularly like any of them, but I understood their feelings and motivations even if I didn't always agree with them.

In terms of plot, I found a lot of the book to be predictable. I almost always knew what was about to happen and what decisions Lulu would make. It seemed that despite the betrayal that haunts her, Lulu is actually a pretty lucky girl. Great opportunities seem to pretty much fall in her lap. That didn't sit well with me. This book is much more focused on the characters and their development than the plot. For many readers this will be just fine, but I found it a little lacking.

Overall, while I enjoyed the read, this is not a book that will stick with me long-term. I didn't really connect with any of the characters and I didn't feel fulfilled by the plot or the resolutions to the storylines. However, I think the themes explored and these characters will resonate with many other readers and this is definitely worth a read if this is a genre you like or if you're a fan of books exploring female friendships.

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  • 28 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2014: Reviewed