Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita

Conceal, Don't Feel (Twisted Tales, #7)

by Jen Calonita

What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?

As the future Queen of Arendelle, Princess Elsa’s life is full of expectation and responsibility—not to mention, questions. What type of ruler will she be? When will she have to pick a suitor? And why has she always harbored the feeling that some critical piece of herself is missing?

Following the unexpected death of her parents, Elsa is forced to answer those questions sooner than she’d hoped, becoming the sole ruler of her kingdom and growing lonelier than ever. But when mysterious powers begin to reveal themselves, Elsa starts to...

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Reviewed by lindsey on

3 of 5 stars

I've read one other book in the Disney Twisted Tales series and didn't like it, so I was hesitant to pick this one up. However, since I like the movie and this was a different author, I decided to take a chance on it. It was better than the other one I read, but I feel like it could have been even better.

The tag line, "What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?," sounded intriguing and I wasn't sure how it could possibly be handled, so I was pretty excited to start reading. While the twist made sense and worked for the story, I felt like it was a little bit of a letdown. (show spoiler)

Apart from the twist, the rest of the book is basically the plot of the movie, Frozen. Dialogue is taken, word for word, from the movie at times, and the characterizations felt flat. I probably wouldn't have read it if I'd known it was basically a novelization of the movie with a "what if?" thrown in, but it wasn't so bad that I regret reading it.

Younger readers may enjoy it, and I'd recommend it if you have a Frozen fan in your life who loves to read.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2020: Reviewed