Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

Birth of an Assassin tells the story of Jez Kornfield a fifteen year old Jewish boy who had aspirations of becoming a soldier in the Red Army. He had left home against his parents' wishes with the intention of making his dream a reality.

Jez is small in stature as such he was not taken seriously when he made it know that this was his intent. On his journey he met General Michael Petrovich who recruited for his own purposes. Jez quickly moved through the ranks after demonstrating to be a capable and intelligent soldier. Everything was going well for him, however, this was all about to change when he was placed in a position where he was forced to prove his loyalty. He proved that loyalty to his family was more important than that to the army.

Unbeknown to him his actions contributed to him being looked over for for further promotion by his benefactor General Petrovich. In the process, he earned himself enemies who sought to discredit him by framing him for murder and linking him to human trafficking. This led to him being hunted by the KGB.

This is a historical suspenseful thriller that takes readers into the world of human trafficking and one that is rife with corruption, within the higher echelons the army. It is an intense and fascinating read that pulled me in from the very first page. Birth of an Assassin is filled with many twists and turns and there were some unexpected events.

The characters were clever and brilliant which made the story that more enjoyable. I totally enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and I can’t wait to see what next Rik Stone has in store for his fans.
If you enjoy stories that portrays a world filled with love, jealousy, racism, betrayal and revenge then this book is for you.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2014: Reviewed