Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Again we see a tie-in from a former character in Gertrude, Gumshoe and the VardSale Villain. In the first story, we met Andy a janitor who works at Private Eyes (a dance club) His girlfriend is missing and Gertrude has her first paying customer. Thanks to a calendar she learns Samantha Cooper was met by a seller from a wildly popular site called Vardsale. She enlists the help of Calvin (Old Man Crow) since she needs A. his computer and B. a ride. Gertrude's investigations have her meeting sellers, gathers clues and getting herself in trouble. Hilarious, and daring Merrill delivered another interesting case.  This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 10 December, 2017: Reviewed