Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I write the review, I suggest you guys look at the titles of the author’s book and tell me what song/artist she got the title’s from. I kinda had a clue (the lyrics kept going through my head but I was drawing a blank on the name of the artist). It wasn’t until I decided to google the lyrics in my head that I got a hit and I was impressed.

Now, let’s get on topic with this review.

I actually didn’t think I would really like this book. It did start off on a funny note. The first two sentences actually went like this:

Shane Hart never went out of the house with the sold intention of hooking up with women. Getting laid just happened to him.

I giggled when I read that because it set the tone of the first few chapters perfectly. I know I will have people reading what I wrote and go “What is so funny about a guy who sleeps around. A manwhore?” I really don’t know. Maybe I have skewed sense of humor about stuff like that because when the manwhores do fall in love, they fall hard (trust me, I know).

Shane is the brother/producer to country star Jolene Hart and her fiance/husband (they do get married fairly early in the book so not a spoiler). The night he meets Avery O’Leery, who had just been left on the side of the road by her cheating boyfriend, Ben. Shane decides to wait with her while she gets her purse back. The chemistry between them was electric and I wasn’t surprised when they ended up together. I was surprised that Avery was a virgin when she slept with Shane and Shane was too. I also was surprised that she walked away from her encounter and left him a note that said “Thanks for being decent”. Of course he takes it the wrong way….lol.

Fast forward 3 months later and Avery is doing pretty well for herself. She got her life together within weeks of breaking up with Ben. She landed her dream job as a junior songwriter for a publisher (I am not a musician so no clue about this) called Rusted Truck, has fantastic roommates and is just pretty happy with herself. But she just keeps on thinking about her night with Shane.

She happens to meet Shane again when he stops by Rusted Truck, shopping (I am going to assume that means looking for new songs). They (her boss and Shane) happen to hear her playing a song that she had written and wanted to run it by his sister. While there, he also inadvertently fuels the rumor mill when he asks her (accompanied by her boss but people still talked) out to dinner and asks her if she was pregnant in front of her friend and coworker, Lauren. I was mentally shaking my head at this point because men really don’t have a clue and Avery could get fired because she isn’t supposed to be involved with clients in any way outside of the office.

Avery also has a huge secret that she is keeping. Not going to tell (read the book!!).

Shane has a secret too. His mother was beaten on an almost daily basis by his father and if Shane would get in between them, Shane would get beaten too. He has been greatly affected by what happened (I mean who wouldn’t be) to the point where he doesn’t ever celebrate his birthday. I honestly felt awful for him because he was almost held hostage by what his father did, years ago, and it almost cost him his relationship with Avery.

The end of the book was pretty explosive. Not going to lie. A whole lot of stuff happened and was revealed. But it ended in what I consider a HEA.

How many stars will I give Dream Maker? 3.5/4

Why? A sensual romance that keeps you reading. There was a small lag in the middle of the book but the author did a great job of getting momentum up in the book.

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range: Adult

Why? Lots of hot steamy sex, some violence (which includes a fist fight in a music studio) and language.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Reviewed