Unrivaled by Siri Mitchell


by Siri Mitchell

Three-Time Christy Finalist Pens Another Winning Historical Romance

Lucy Kendall always assumed she'd help her father in his candy-making business, creating recipes and aiding him in their shared passion. But after a year traveling in Europe, Lucy returns to 1910 St. Louis to find her father unwell and her mother planning to sell the struggling candy company. Determined to help, Lucy vows to create a candy that will reverse their fortunes.

St. Louis newcomer Charlie Clarke is determined to help his father dominate the nation's candy industry. Compromise is not an option when the prize is a father's approval, and falling in love with a business rival is a recipe for disaster when only one company can win. Will these two star-crossed lovers let a competition that turns less than friendly sour their dreams?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

As a reader that enjoys [a:Siri Mitchell|5813022|Siri Mitchell|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1352152625p2/5813022.jpg] I absolutely loved [b:She Walks in Beauty|9300274|She Walks in Beauty|Siri Mitchell|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347506075s/9300274.jpg|6799599] and liked [b:Love's Pursuit|5777145|Love's Pursuit|Siri Mitchell|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348172980s/5777145.jpg|5948898] and [b:A Constant Heart|2873007|A Constant Heart|Siri Mitchell|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348171878s/2873007.jpg|2899170] with kinda a love/hate relationship (see those reviews to see what I mean...). I was really excited about the prospect of Early American, 1910 St. Louis, Missouri read with the dresses and full suits all filled with a prop set of candy making to go along with the story. That's not exactly what I found in this book. It didn't feel like Siri Mitchell to me. I liked it, but the depth that I normally find and was expecting was just not there. Then also some things seemed to jump and change with a lot of missing bits, at least that's how it felt. Overall I was disappointed in this read, but wouldn't hesitate to pick up another book from this author in the future or some in the backlist that I've missed.

Oh, and it would have been neat to have had a taffy recipe at the end of the book...

*Thanks to Bethany House for providing a copy for review through Litfuse Publicity.*

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  • 5 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 5 April, 2013: Reviewed