Disney Manga: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - Zero's Journey, Book 3 by D J Milky

Disney Manga: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - Zero's Journey, Book 3

by D J Milky

 Jack’s worried for his lost pet, but never fear; Lock, Shock, and Barrel are on the case. Crash-landing into an underground Christ­mas Town workshop, they’re in toy heaven! But will the workers of this festive factory be welcoming to these spooky interlopers? And just what does Sandy Claws think about all this commotion in his winter wonderland? 

Join Zero on his journey in the third graphic novel in this series based on Disney Tim Burton’s The Night­mare Before Christmas!

Reviewed by Charli G. on

2 of 5 stars

I'll be honest, it was really cute. I'm a HUGE Nightmare Before Christmas fan and I knew that the "Tim Burton Approved Sequel" was going to be in manga form. But honestly, it left me a bit... confused. Probably because I read book 3, but never got to read books 1 and 2.

Like I said, it was really cute, but I don't think I'd read any more of it. It left me feeling empty and like the sequel really wasn't worthy of Tim Burton's vision for The Nightmare Before Christmas. It gets 2 stars because it was cute, but that's about it.

***I received a copy of this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***

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  • 8 October, 2019: Reviewed