On Hart's Boardwalk by Samantha Young

On Hart's Boardwalk (On Dublin Street)

by Samantha Young

Nate and Liv have a great life together but they miss the spontaneity and freedom they enjoyed early on in their romance. Careers and their children have inevitably kept them busy, so when Nate discovers Liv is feeling disconnected from him, he plans an anniversary trip to the idyllic seaside town of Hartwell, Delaware. There he hopes they will have the opportunity they've been craving - a chance to reinvent themselves and fall in love all over again.

With each new day comes a new adventure, from wedding crashing at the five-star boardwalk hotel to pretending they are two strangers...

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Reviewed by Rowena on

4 of 5 stars

It was great to check in with Nate and Liv in this short story and see the gang back together again for a little while. While it's not a favorite of mine, it was still great to see hottie Nate again. Full review to come soon.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 March, 2018: Reviewed