Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

From reading the synopsis of Into Fire I couldn’t wait to get started with it, I love fantasy and magical reads and this had both of those and adventure too.

I instantly liked Leora she was a character you will like straight away, she is brave, maybe a little naive to start with but as the book goes on she is turning into a woman and she surprises me as to just how brave and courageous she really is.

From being a gemsmith to be taken away from her home and going into a world she knew nothing about she did remarkably well.

I really liked Ronn, Rafael and Lia too they were all loveable character. Ronn for his courage and friendship towards Leora. Rafael for being such a great Master even though he really didn’t want a student and Lia, she was a great woman and role model, she looked out for Leora in an almost motherly way which I felt was needed since Leora’s mother passed some time ago.

There was obviously bad characters and they were very bad, I didn’t like them at all which is exactly what the author wanted us to feel.

Leora had a lot of deal with in this book, a friendship that breaks up after a misunderstanding, some deaths, a mugging, loss of family, rescuing a friend during dangerous circumstances and turning into a woman and learning to control her magic, there really is a lot going on.
This was a fast pacing well written book and I look forward to reading more from Brittany Westerberg. I am looking forward to reading Over Water very soon.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 June, 2015: Reviewed