Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond

Spring for Susannah

by Catherine Richmond

Hundreds of miles from home, Susannah faces an uncertain future as a mail-order bride on the untamed Dakota prairie.

When her parents die suddenly, and no suitors call, Susannah resigns herself to the only option available: becoming a mail-order bride. Agreeing to marry her pastor's brother, Jesse, Susannah leaves the only home she's ever known for the untamed frontier of the Dakota Territory.

Her new husband is more loving and patient with her than she believes she deserves. Still, there is also a wildness to him that mirrors the wilderness surrounding them. And Susannah finds herself constantly on edge. But Jesse's confidence in her—and his faith in God's perfect plan—slowly begin to chip away at the wall she hides behind.

When she miscarries in the brutal Dakota winter, Susannah's fledgling faith in herself and in God begins to crumble. Still, Jesse's love is unwavering. Just when it seems like winter will never end, Susannah finally sees the first tentative evidence of spring. And with it, the realization that more than the landscape has changed.

She looks to the future with a renewed heart. Yet in her wildest dreams, she couldn't predict all that awaits her.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

I am always nervous when it comes to reading a new author, but overall I enjoyed Catherine Richmond’s debut and will look for more from her in the future. Starting with a gorgeous cover I began reading this book with much anticipation. I was back and forth at first, but even though this is a different type of Christian Historical Romance that I am usually familiar with, this was quite enjoyable. I absolutely love how each chapter starts with one quote, or thought that pretty much sums up how Jesse is thinking. It really brought out the story for both characters and not just Susannah.

This is a book that delves deep. It shows the harshness of the prairie, but the hope as well. There is uncertainty, and convenience, but there is more than that. I find that this is very rich historically, and do not doubt that this story could have happened. Even in today, I think that people could benefit from the learning and growing that these characters experienced. I will look for more from Catherine Richmond in the future, definitely.

*Thanks to Litfuse Publicity for providing a copy for review.*

Originally posted: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2011/08/10/spring-for-susannah-by-catherine-richmond/

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2011: Reviewed