Gunpowder Plots by Val McDermid

Gunpowder Plots

by Val McDermid

Available in ebook for the first time ever, this trio of classic crime short stories by Sunday Times number one bestseller, Val McDermid - Heartburn, Sneeze for Danger, The Consolation Blonde - shows the early twists and turns that Val now uses in her bestselling crime fiction.

In Heartburn, a traditional bonfire night turns deadly when revenge is in the air.
In Sneeze for Danger, a killer is unmasked by unfortunate means, and in The Consolation Blonde, a misunderstanding turns a bestselling author to crime...

Reviewed by brokentune on

2 of 5 stars

Three very short stories, the first of which is perfect for bonfire night reading.

Though I liked the first two stories, I guess they were early ones because they were rather predictable and formulaic. Nevertheless, both were enjoyable.

The last one ("Consolation Blonde") was odd: This story was also predictable but the end made no sense. Seriously, the end contradicted the narrative of a few paragraphs earlier.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2015: Reviewed