Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

I adore Finley's CU Hockey series so I was looking forward to reading Damon's story and it definitely delivered. I loved Maddox and Damon and Stacy and all the rest. The banter was witty and snarky which is always my favourite type. I've only come across this specific trope once before (Fake It Til You Make Out by Isla Olsen and it was freaking hysterical) but it's a trope I'm definitely coming to adore. Mainly because it's hilarious.

I liked Damon and his dedication to becoming a sports agent who would step up for his clients. I didn't love the whole storyline with him and Eric (show spoiler) but it wasn't too bad. I did like his group of friends and the fact that he was willing to bring Maddox into the group to help give him a support network - it reminded me of the NHL Queer Collective from the Puckboys books.

Maddox was a total sweetheart for all he's referred to as an asshole. I mean yeah, he tells his high school girlfriend he's gay to break up with her, but he doesn't do it maliciously. And perhaps more endearingly, he refuses to back down for any of the homophobes in town. I loved his friendship with Stacy and I mostly liked Stacy - although the prank at the end was pretty dumb. Especially after what happened when she organised dinner.

The relationship between Maddox and Damon had a bit of angst but for the most part it was swoon worthy with lots of steam. The book itself was well written, humorous and very engaging. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. 4 stars.

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  • 6 February, 2022: Reviewed