The Seventh Son by Reay Tannahill

The Seventh Son (Windsor Selection S.)

by Reay Tannahill

The greatest prize and the most deadly -- the crown of England Reay Tannahill's enthralling novel is a family saga in the grand tradition, a tale of brother against brother, cousin against cousin, of love, hate and intrigue, of women inescapably entangled in the fates of their men, and of a mystery that has exercised people's minds for more than five hundred years. At the heart of it all is the complex human being known to history as Richard III, a king whose reign is darkened by the murder of the young Princes in the Tower, but who also found a touching love with the woman he married, and possessed immense courage. Here, brought vividly to life in this most moving novel, is a man who inspired loyalty and hatred in almost equal measure, until at last the implacable enmity of one woman brought about his downfall.

Reviewed by elysium on

5 of 5 stars

Very realistic book about Rickhard III. He was trying to do the right thing but was cabable of being ruthless when needed. I really liked how relationship between Rickhard and Anne Neville is portrayed.

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  • 30 October, 2009: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2009: Reviewed